Location 10 (L010)

Configuration 0 (C000)





Description / Function


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Off-Peak Method of Charge Control - Sets the method of brick core charging to be used during off-peak (charge) periods.

NOTE: The values listed below are termed "subroutines" and will be referenced as such from this point forward.




Core Charging Disabled: No core charging occurs.


Space Heating Mode: System maintains the minimum core temperature (L041) if there has been a heat call during the last 22 hours. Minimum core temperature (L041) should be increased from default to effectively use this feature.


Manual Charge Control - User is required to adjust the target level to desired value. This can be set in L015 or adjusted as required during normal operation via the faceplate buttons.


Automatic Charge Control - Target level adjusts automatically based on outdoor temperature relative to L012 and L013. Example: If L012 (Start Brick Core Charge Set Point) is set to 50° and L013 (Full Brick core Charge Set Point) is set to 10° then a 30° outdoor temperature would result in a 50% target level.


Sensorless Automatic Charge Control - Target level adjusts automatically based on heating demand from previous time period (L042) multiplied by the charge factor (L043). Minimum Core Temperature (L041) should be increased from default to effectively use this feature.


Intellicharge - Target level adjusts automatically based 75% on subroutine 3 and 25% on subroutine 4. If no heat calls have occurred within the past 22 hours, L012 (Start Brick Core Charge Set Point) and L013 (Full Brick core Charge Set Point) are temporarily set back based on subroutine 7.


Intelliman Charge Control - Target level adjusts based 75% on subroutine 2 and 25% on subroutine 4.


Setback Charge Control - Target level adjusts automatically according to outdoor temperature relative to L012 and L013. If there are no heat calls in the past 22 hours, the values in L012 and L013 will both be set back internally 20 degrees (the displayed values will remain as they previously set). Once a heat call is recognized, these location values return to their original set points. On start-up, the system assumes there have been no heat calls.


Reduced Automatic Charge Control - Targets 2/3 of subroutine 3 to reserve capacity when renewable power is in excess. An ”A” input signal is required for full capacity. Added version 2.04.


Reduced Intellicharge - Target level adjusts based on subroutine 5 multiplied by the percentage in L015. Added version 2.04.


VAV Intellicharge - Operates the same as Algorithm 5 below the value in L012 (Start Charge Setting). Above L012, the unit operates based on 25% of subroutine 4 and does NOT require a heat call every 22 hours to maintain minimal heat in the core. Designed for use with VAVs where parts of the building may require heating and others cooling, and heating may be required every month of the year. Added version 2.12.