Low Voltage Thermostat - 2100 Series

2100 Series room heaters have onboard temperature sensing and control. In some applications, the system owner may want to use a low voltage thermostat. While either a single stage or 2-stage thermostat may be used, Steffes strongly recommends using a 2-stage thermostat.
When using a low voltage thermostat there are only one or two speeds available for air discharge and target output temperatures. The blower will run at the selected speed regardless of core temperature.
With a single stage thermostat, the blower will run at the speed selected in Location 29 (L029) and have the output target temperature selected in Location 49 (L049).
When using a 2-stage thermostat, the blower will run at the speed selected in Location 28 (L028) and target the output temperature selected in Location 48 (L048) with a stage 1 heat call. It will run at the speed selected in Location 29 (L029) and target the output temperature selected in Location 49 (L049) with a stage 2 heat call.

NOTE: A separate 24VAC source is required to operate the thermostat and provide signal voltages to heaters.

The number of heaters controlled using this application is only limited by the ratings of the power source and thermostat. The current draw of each input is .015 A.

Heaters with version 2.02 or lower are only capable of running in a single stage configuration. If a 2-stage configuration is desired the Processor Control Board must be replaced. The firmware version is listed in the Help Menu.

1206108 Rev 7 03/19/2024