Location 0 (L000)

Configuration 11 (C011)





Description / Function

70 (°F)

21 (°C)

Determined by values in L007/L008.

2100 Series

Room Temperature Set Point - This location can be used for adjusting the room temperature set point. However, the set point is generally adjusted by simply pressing the up and down arrow buttons on the heater’s control panel.

3100/4100 Series

Room Temperature Set Point - Generally not utilized in the 3100/4100 systems as the room temperature set point is determined by the thermostat.

140 (°F)

60 (°C)

Determined by values in L007/L008.

5100 Series

Maximum Outlet Water Temperature - Maximum outlet water temperature to be targeted. This value cannot be set higher than L007 or lower than L008.

The targeted outlet water temperature is also affected by L012 and L013.


Example: If the values of L012 = 60; L013 = 20; L000 = 180; L001 = 140, an outdoor temperature of 40°F would result in a targeted outlet water temperature of 160°F.


NOTE: If an outdoor temperature sensor is NOT installed, the system targets the outlet water temperature as set in L000.

See Also: