Relay Connections - XCVR2

yellow triangle with lightning boltWARNING

HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE: Risk of electric shock. Can cause injury or death.

NOTE: The relays in the 3-Phase Transceiver cannot be used to control other loads.

Steffes heating systems with digital displays are not usually connected through these relays as they have built-in receivers to receive wireless communication from the transmitting device.


If the transceiver relay(s) are being used to control other loads, break one leg of the circuit going to the controlled load through the relay using the wires provided. If any transceiver relay(s) are NOT being used to control other loads, insulate the ends of the unused wires. 


Connect the controlled loads to the T1 and L2 terminals for the desired circuit number (Figure 2). Locate the red and black wires at the bottom of the transceiver for that circuit # and route them to the service entrance panel. Connect these wires to an appropriate circuit breaker in the panel. Reference the Line Voltage Wiring Diagram for more information.

Owner's Manual 1200607 Rev 3