DIP Switches: Receive Mode - XCVR2

Default settings are in Bold text

DIP Switch #1 Anticipated Peak (Pre-Peak) Operation Mode

DIP switch #1 determines how an anticipated peak (pre-peak) signal will affect the relays. For power companies desiring to control loads separately using separate signals, the DIP switch can be used to do peak control of devices on a separate rate strategy. 

ON = Relays will be activated by an anticipated peak (pre-peak) signal.

OFF = Relays will NOT respond to an anticipated peak (pre-peak) signal.

DIP Switches #2, #3, #4, #5 - PLC Channel Selection

Use DIP switches #2, #3, #4, and #5 to select which PLC channel the receiver will receive. The receiver and the transmitting device must be set to the same channel for proper communication to occur. To select the desired channel, use the chart provided under the Transmit Mode DIP Switch Settings.

DIP Switch #6 - Nova Scotia Power Shoulder Charge

Nova Scotia Power installs only: DIP switch #6 allows for the Nova Scotia Power shoulder charge period for devices controlled by relays 1, 3, and 5 on the transceiver. When in the ON position, the transceiver has a built-in timer that starts when it receives a peak signal from the transmitting device. It times for five (5) hours and then allows a shoulder charge period (anticipated peak) for four (4) hours. After four (4) hours of shoulder charge, the peak period resumes until a charge signal is received from the control device.

DIP Switch #7 Default Relay Status

DIP switch #7 determines how the relays will respond when the power line carrier control system is first energized or if the receiver loses signal from the transmitting device.

ON = The relays will close until a signal is received from the transmitting device.

OFF = The relays will open until a signal is received from the transmitting device.

DIP Switch #8 Access Point (AP) Mode Enabled/Disable

Use DIP switch #8 to force the transceiver into or out of Access Point (AP) mode. When in AP mode, the network used by the device for internet access can be modified. Toggle DIP switch #8 in short succession (on-off or off-on) to change the AP mode status.

Owner's Manual 1200607 Rev 3