Operating Status - 5100 Series

The four digit LED will display various operating information as described below. Press and release the up arrow to view this data.

Operating Mode and Outlet Water Temperature - Indicates the current operating mode followed by the outlet water temperature.

C = Off-Peak (Charge) Time

P = On-Peak (Control) Time

A = Anticipated Peak Time

Outdoor Temperature - Indicates current outdoor temperature sensed by the outdoor temperature sensor.

Heat Call Status - Indicates the current heat call status as determined by the room thermostat(s). The faceplate displays the highest heat call value present. If receiving a Stage 1 Forced Air Heat Call and a Hydronic Heat Call, the display reads "HC_3". Reference the Room Thermostat section for more information on Heat Call Status displayed. 

NOTE: A bar illuminates on the lower portion of the display's third digit whenever the heating elements are energized.

Brick Core Charge Level - “CL” (charge level) followed by a number, indicates the current percentage of heat stored in the brick core. “CL:_” represents a core temperature lower than the minimum core temperature and “CL: F” represents a full core charge level.

Targeted Brick Core Charge Level - “tL” (target level) followed by a number, indicates the current percentage of brick core charge being targeted by the system. A display of “tL:_” indicates that the system will not maintain any heat in the brick core and “tL: F” indicates a full core charge target level.

5100 Owner's and Installer's Manual 1200059 Rev 21