Control Panel - 2000 Series

All operational functions of the heater are stored in the heater's microprocessor. These operational functions are factory preset; however, they can be adjusted by the user or installer. All operational functions are accessed through the heater's control panel. Typically, the user will only need to use this panel to adjust the room temperature; and, possibly, to set the brick core temperature if manual charge control is used.

Typically, the control panel digits continuously display current room temperature and one of the following brick core operating modes (Refer to the Advanced Heater Operation for more information):

C = (charge period)

Off-peak time in which the heater is allowed to store heat in its brick core.

P = (peak period)

On-peak time in which the heater is not allowed to store heat in its brick core.

A = (anticipated peak period)

Used only in certain utility programs. It is an alternative method of storing heat in the heater's brick core.

Room Setting

A green bar will illuminate next to ROOM SETTING on the MODE digit when the room temperature set point is being adjusted. The set point can range from 45°F (7.2°C) through 85°F (29.4°C).

Storage Setting

This is only applicable when using manual charge control. A green bar will illuminate next to STORAGE SETTING (on the MODE digit) which indicates the storage level set point can be adjusted.

Service Light

This is one of the many built-in safety devices on the heater. This red light will illuminate whenever the core charging high limit switch has interrupted power to the heating elements. This interruption may be the result of not enough clearance between the heater and some object; or, possibly, there is an operational difficulty within the heater. If this light is illuminated, the heater will not store heat in the brick core. It will automatically reset (turn off) when the core charging high limit switch restores power to the elements. (Refer Built-in Heater Safety Devices, for more information on the light and the core charging high limit switch.)

NOTE: If the light illuminates repeatedly, notify a service technician.

Mode (EDIT) Button

Activates the editing process for changing the operating information of the heater. PLEASE USE CAUTION WHEN EDITING THE INFORMATION IN THE HEATER.

Up and  Down Arrow Buttons

Increase or decrease room temperature set point. Also used to scroll up or down when viewing or changing the heater's operating functions.

Left Indicator Light

Illuminates green whenever the heating elements are on.

Right Indicator Light

Illuminates green continuously if automatic brick core charge regulation is being utilized.