Communicates with an unlimited number of 1000, 2000, and 2100 series room heaters, Comfort Plus systems, and the Steffes Mini Receivers provided all systems are on the same power company distribution transformer.
15 selectable communication channels
Transmits information through the power lines (wireless communication)
peak and anticipated peak (pre-peak) control signals
outdoor temperature information for automatic brick core charging of 1000, 2000 and 2100 series ETS room heaters as well as Comfort Plus systems
automatic room temperature set back signals (external signaling device required) to the 1000, 2000 and 2100 series ETS room heaters
Interfaces with any signaling device such as time clock, meter, receiver switch, etc.
Rain tight, metal enclosure with power company seal/lockout provision
6" x 6" x 3", single phase
12" x 6" x 3", three phase (special factory order)
Optional factory prewired configuration to include umbilical cord in rain tight conduit
Operates on 120V or 208V/240V, single phase (three phase systems available as special factory order)