Installer's Final Check Out Procedure - Transmitter

Inspect Electrical Connections

Prior to energizing the electrical circuit feeding the transmitter, inspect all field installed electrical connections to ensure they are tight and all wires are routed correctly. All line voltage wiring connections must be made within and routed through the line voltage raceway of the factory-installed junction box. To ensure proper communication, the transmitter must be grounded.

NOTE: The transmitter is factory configured for 208V/240V field connections. If using 120V input, transformer tapping must be changed. (Refer to the Circuit Board Configuration Diagram.)

Check Switch Settings

Make sure the DIP switch settings on the transmitter are in the correct positions for the application. Remember, the desired PLC channel MUST be selected for communication to occur.

Verify Indicator Light

Activate the utility peak control device and energize the transmitter. Verify that the indicator light on the transmitter is illuminated and corresponds with the utility peak signal (flashing for off-peak or continuous illumination for on-peak).

Invert Switch 

Invert DIP switch #1 on the transmitter. If the indicator light was flashing in Step 3, it should now illuminate continuously. If the light had been illuminated, it should now begin to flash. Return DIP switch #1 to the proper position for the application.

Verify Communication

Use the guidelines which follow to verify the transmitter is communicating with all receivers in the application (microprocessor based heaters and Steffes mini receiver configurations).

NOTE: Communication between the transmitter and receiver occurs on a continuous basis. Upon energizing a system, there will be some delay in a receiver’s response to the transmitter's signal. It takes approximately seven (7) minutes to establish initial communication. Subsequent communication will occur more rapidly.

INTERFACING THE TRANSMITTER WITH THE STEFFES MINI RECEIVER (single, double or six pole configurations):

Once the mini receiver is receiving complete information from the transmitter, the red indicator light on the mini receiver will illuminate continuously. Refer to the Operation and Installation Guide for the Mini Receiver to perform the checkout procedure for this device and ensure correct installation and operation.


The "Help Menu" on the heater is accessed through the faceplate on the front of the heater. Refer to the Owner's and Installer's Manual for operating instructions.

Using the "Help Menu" on the heater's control panel:

Verify Channel

Verify that the heater is operating on the same channel as the transmitter. The 2100 Series heater is factory preset to operate on channel 3. Comfort Plus systems are not factory preset for power line carrier.

Verify Communication

Verify that power line carrier communication is occurring.

Check Temperature

If utilizing the transmitter's automatic charge control features, compare the outdoor temperature information from the "Help Menu" to current outdoor temperature. If the temperature information in the help menu is substantially higher or lower than actual outdoor temperature, refer to DIP Switch Settings 7 and 8.