Transceiver (Non-Current XCVR1) - Transmit Mode

DIP Switch #6 - Service Override & Automatic Shoulder Charge

DIP switch #6 has two functions. The first function is to provide a short term peak override for checkout and service of the system. If the transceiver is powered up and DIP switch #6 is moved from the “off” position to the “on” position and back to “off” again, a 3 hour override will be enabled. This short term override is to be used when installing or servicing the system.

The second function of DIP switch #6 is to allow for an automatic shoulder charge period for devices controlled by the relays on the transceiver. When in the “on” position, the transceiver has a built in timer that starts timing when it receives a peak signal from the power company’s control device. It times for 5 hours and then allows a shoulder charge period (anticipated peak) for 4 hours. After four hours of shoulder charge, the peak period is resumed until a charge signal is received from the control device. More information regarding this feature is available in the Relay Operation section.