Indicator Lights - Mini Receiver

In its standard configuration, when the mini receiver is first energized, a red light on the circuit board will begin to flash slowly. This indicates the receiver is waiting for a signal. When valid bits of information are received, the light will begin flashing more rapidly. There may be occurrences where the light will switch from a fast flash back to a slow flash. After several minutes, the mini receiver will synchronize with the transmitter, and the light will illuminate continuously to indicate complete information is being received. This red light monitors power line carrier (PLC) communication as follows:

There is also an amber indicator light on the circuit board. This light is used to indicate whether the relays are open or closed. It will also indicate if a peak override has been initiated. The amber light monitors the status of the relays as follows:

These lights can only be seen when the mini receiver enclosure is open. They are not accessible to the user in normal operation.