Installer's Final Check Out Procedure - Mini Receiver

Inspect Electrical Connections

Prior to energizing the electrical circuit feeding the mini receiver, inspect all field installed electrical connections to ensure they are tight and that all wires are routed correctly. All line voltage wiring must remain below and in front of the line voltage barrier inside the mini receiver. To ensure proper communication with the PLC transmitter, the mini receiver must be grounded.

Check DIP Switches

Check the settings of the DIP switches on the mini receiver board to ensure they are in the correct positions for the application.

NOTE: The desired PLC channel MUST be selected for communication to occur.

Check Light

Check to ensure that the red indicator light on the mini receiver circuit board is illuminated continuously indicating communication is occurring between the transmitter and the mini receiver.

NOTE: Communications between the transmitter and the mini receiver occur on a continuous basis. Upon energizing a system, there will be some delay in a receiver’s response to transmitter signals. It takes approximately seven (7) minutes for the transmitter to establish initial communication. Subsequent communication will occur more rapidly.

Check Responses

Once good communication is established, verify that the mini receiver responds correctly to the corresponding utility peak signal status. The amber indicator light will illuminate when the relay(s) are closed and should remain off when the relay(s) are open.