Typical System Wiring Diagram - Nine Pole - CCRP

Utilizing PLC Control with the Steffes 1000/2000/2100 Series Room Units

  1. Loads connected between L1 and L2 on circuit 1 will be uninterrupted. Loads connected between T1 and L2 on circuit 1 will be interrupted. CCRP circuit 1 feeds both output circuit 1 and the panels internal controls. Maximum fuse size is 20 amps.

  2. The system grounding and bonding must be sized and installed in compliance with all applicable codes.

  3. Any loads requiring greater than a 20 amp circuit, such as a water heater, must never be connected to circuit 1 in the CCRP as circuit 1 is only capable of controlling a maximum of a 20 amp circuit.

NOTE: A panel label is provided in the package of screws used to mount the front panel. Apply this label to the service panel to identify the breaker feeding CCRP circuit 1.