Air Separator - Device used to remove air from the water so the air does not get into the closed loop system and cause damage to other components.

Air Vent - Device used to release air from the system.  The air vent is generally mounted on top of the air separator.

Anticipated  Peak - Used only by certain power companies as an alternative method of storing heat in the brick core. Indicated by an "A" on the system display.

Automatic Charge Control - Method of brick core charge regulation where a sensor monitors outdoor temperature to automatically adjust the brick core temperature.

Brick Core Charge Level - The amount of heat currently stored in the brick core of the heater.

Charge Period - Off-peak time in which the heater is allowed to store heat in its brick core. Indicated by a "C" on the system display.

Control Panel - Contains the buttons to adjust and the display to indicate heater functions.  Located on the front of the heater in the upper right corner.

Control Period - On-peak time in which the system is not allowed to store heat in its brick core. Indicated by a "P" on the system display.

Edit Mode - Process of changing or viewing the values in a microprocessor location.  This is accomplished with the use of the  M  (mode) button, the up arrow button, and the down arrow button.

Expansion Tank - When water is heated, expansion takes place. The expansion tank stores the excess water to maintain proper pressure in the system.  In most applications, the expansion tank should be installed prior to the pump for optimum performance.

Heat Call - When the actual room temperature falls below the room temperature set point as set on the thermostat.

Location (Function) - Where the specific operating information of the heater is stored.  These locations are part of the heater's microprocessor and are accessed through the heater's control panel.  Displayed as an "L" on the faceplate when in the edit mode.

Location Value - The specific information set and stored in a location on the heater's microprocessor which defines heater operation.  A value for a specific location is accessed through the heater's control panel.

Manual Charge Control - Method of brick core charge regulation where the owner must periodically adjust the brick core temperature setting in relation to the outdoor temperature.

Microprocessor - Device on the circuit board of the heater which stores and processes the information for controlling the operation of the heater.

Off-peak - The time during the day or night when the power company can supply electricity more economically and may offer a special incentive such as a reduced electric rate or billing credits for the electricity consumed during this time.  Typically, electrical usage is not controlled during an off-peak time.  (The heater will provide heat to satisfy comfort requirements during this time as well as charge or store heat in its brick core.)

On-peak - The time during the day or night when the power company experiences a high demand for electricity.  To limit demand, certain appliances are controlled to avoid usage by them and/or a premium for the electricity consumed during this time may be charged to discourage electrical usage.  (The heater is not allowed to charge or store heat in its brick core during peak periods.  Heating requirements are satisfied by the heat stored in its brick core during the previous off-peak period.)

Outdoor Sensor - Device that senses outdoor air temperature and communicates this information to the heater.

Peak Period - Time when power company controls the ETS heating system and does not allow it to store heat in the brick core.

Pre-Peak - Used only by certain power companies as an alternative method of storing heat in heater's brick core. Also referred to as "Anticipated Peak".

Pressure Relief Valve - Device that protects the system against the dangers of thermal expansion.  If system pressure exceeds normal operating conditions, the relief valve opens and releases excessive pressure from the system.

Room Temperature Set Point - The desired room temperature the heater is to maintain as set by the owner.  If the room thermostat senses a temperature below this point, the heater's blower will come on and extract heat from the brick core.