Room Temperature Control - 2000 Series

All 2000 series room heating units come factory equipped with a built-in room temperature sensor. This sensor is installed in the electrical compartment on the right side panel of the heater, near the floor. In installations where it is desired to monitor temperature at another point in the room, a remote room temperature sensor may be used. If a remote sensor is installed, the built-in sensor is disconnected. The remote sensor will provide the room temperature information to the heater. With either option, current room temperature is displayed on the heater's face plate. An installation instruction sheet is included with the remote room sensor. Please refer to these instructions for installation of this device.

Room temperature set point is adjusted differently if using manual charge control versus automatic charge control. Thus, when making adjustments to the room temperature set point or the brick core charge level, you must determine whether your heating system is set for automatic or manual charge control.