Placement - 2000 Series

Room heating units can normally be placed on standard flooring systems with any type of covering, i.e. wood floor, carpet, linoleum; but, heater weight must be considered. If in doubt, consult a building contractor or an architect. (Refer to the Heater Specifications for weight and physical dimensions of the room heating unit being installed.)

When installing on extremely thick carpet, it may be necessary to slightly elevate the heater to avoid carpet contact with the air discharge grill. The carpet should not come within ¾ inch of the air discharge grill openings.

Heaters can be placed on an outside or inside wall. Best operating efficiency will be achieved by placing it along an inside wall, adjacent to an outside wall. Avoid installing the heater near sources of extreme heat or cold so the built-in room temperature sensor can sample proper room air temperature. It is also best to not place the heater near an open stairwell.