Location - L18 2000 Series


Default Value

Description / Data Value



NSPI: d03

Comfort Override temperature differential adjustment

Indicates whether the comfort override option is utilized.  If the actual room temperature falls below the room temperature set point by a number greater than the value in this location and the brick core has been depleted, the elements will come on so additional heat can be delivered into the area, even during a peak period.  In areas utilizing Time-Of-Use rates, this option allows room comfort to be achieved when heat storage in the brick core has been depleted.

NOTE: May cause a lower value in L48 in Charge Mode with call for heating and therefore may cause the elements to shut off in charge mode when the thermostat calls for the fan to run. Version 9.1 included.

Data Value Range:  d00 to d65 (degrees Fahrenheit)

(Celsius equivalency: -17.8 to 18.3)

d00 =

disables Comfort Override Option

d01 to d65 =

temperature difference between actual room temperature and room temperature set point where Comfort Override is enabled

NOTE: If using a remote thermostat of any kind, the freeze protection option MUST be disabled.  Also, this feature may not be allowed by the power company, so please consult a power company official before enabling.