Location - L01 2000 Series


Default Value

Description / Data Value


Brick Core Temperature Set Point

Automatic Charge Control: When using automatic charge control, adjustments to the brick core temperature set point are generally made in L04 and L05. However, the value in this location can be utilized to trim (adjust) the brick core charge target level, if desired. As the heater receives the outdoor temperature information, it determines the desired target level as based on L04 and L05 and automatically increases or decreases that target level by 25%.

NOTE: The target level of the brick core temperature will not exceed 100%.

Data Value Range:  d00 to d10

d00 =


d05 =

no trim

d10 =


Manual Charge Control: The value entered in this location indicates the targeted brick core temperature for the room heating unit.  

Data Value Range:  d00 to d10

d00 =

no charge will occur

d05 =

50% brick core charge will occur

d10 =

maximum brick core charge will occur

NOTE: All heaters are factory preset for automatic charge control.  To set for manual charge control refer to the 1000/2000 series Room Unit Set-Up.